In Conclusion – Full Equality
In the broadest scope:
God created all men and women as equals, each meant to have a direct relationship with Him.
Men and women were both equally created in the image of God, and are equally human.
God made the male-man and the female-man, and both are equally man.
God gave equal dominion over the earth, animals, etc. to both women and men.
God equally told men and women to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over the earth.
Men and women were each meant to take their instructions directly from God, not each other.
Men and women were meant to be equally ruled by God, and not each other.
Men and women have in all ways the exact same living spirit and soul inside of them.
In the church:
God designed the church to have servant-administrators who were meant to be servants, who were chosen by both the men and women of the church. These servant-administrators chosen by the men or women could be either men or women, chosen to fill the roles of deacons (servants) or elders (overseers) for the church. God gives gifts and callings of any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to whomever He chooses, both to men and women, without gender discrimination.
As such, in the model of the church, women are meant to do anything and everything that men do, and there is meant to be no discrimination based on gender. Women may vote to choose elders and deacons, and also may serve as elders and deacons, same as men. Women may be called to be pastors, apostles, teachers, and have any calling that a man might have, and any gift that a man might have. The church also has a responsibility to make sure not only men, but also women, are taught before they teach. In all ways in the church men and women are equal, and are not to be discriminated against. Women are able to equally participate in church services and fellowships as the men are. Women are able to choose what they want to wear, as men are, and how to have their hair, as men are. There is nothing required by God that women have to wear to distinguish them from the men, nor does God require men to cut their hair to distinguish them from the women. Women and men are equally able to speak in church.
In worldly systems of government:
Men ruling over other men in domination was invented by men, not God. Men arrange themselves in these governments, and in instituting governments. God permits these governments of whatever type to exist for the reason that they work towards punishing those who commit evil. Democracy is founded on New Testament principles of treating others as you want to be treated, and on the true church structure of the people choosing their own leaders, as God leads them. Democracy therefore is modeled after God’s model for the church government. To be true to the model of God it resembles, any democracy should therefore also allow for women to vote equally as men, and allow for women to occupy any positions of public-service equally as men can. Systems of government which are not essentially democratic are also not based on God’s model of government for the church. While all human governments are flawed, a democracy which treats all people as equal neighbors, regardless of gender or race or monetary social class, is superior to all other forms of government. And governments which allow for slavery of men, or do not treat women with equal rights as men, are not governments which follow God’s model for Christian governance, and are therefore inferior to those which accurately do. In God’s model of church governance, without regard to gender, race, or social class, all people may follow whatever calling God gives them in personal religious freedom. As such, any governments which prevent all people from equally choosing their religion, or from among legal professions, are not based on God’s model for Christian governments, and are inferior. Therefore, Christians who live under such systems of government rule are living in oppressive systems, and Christians can know these governments are below the standards of God’s model for governance.
As Christians, our only King is Jesus Christ, and His kingdom is not of this world, same as we are in this world but not of it. Our most important focus should be on the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of and working around whatever worldly governmental systems are in place. Only secondary to this and where this priority intersects with politics, the most important political focus for Christians, nationally or internationally, should be to use whatever political voice they have towards having democratic systems of government that do not discriminate based on gender, class, or race in any way, specifically so that they will allow freedom of religious choice to all people without discrimination. Tertiary to this would be so that they allow freedom of professional expression, and equal say in the government both as voters and as elected officials, being available to all people and fellow Christians everywhere.
In marriage:
Marriage was meant to be an equally voluntary symbiotic relationship between 2 equal humans.
Men and women have equal value before God, and are to be completely equal in the church, as well as in any democratic political system of governance based on God’s model for the church.
When it comes to authority in a marriage, God’s instructions to a wife and to a husband balance out so that neither person has more authority than the other, but rather are equals in authority.
Neither one was ever meant to dominate the other, and this always has been sin.
God makes it very plain that in the bedroom, a husband and wife have completely equal authority.
To review, “1 Cor 7:2-4 spells out, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.”
If there is not mutual agreement in the bedroom, then logically spouse A can tell the other with authority “Don’t do that with your body” while spouse B says “Yes do this with your body” and in effect, if the two spouses are not in agreement, then they cancel each other out. So unless there is mutual agreement in the bedroom, nothing should happen.”
God’s instructions are meant to lead to compromise in marriage. This is seen best is comparing the husband’s instructions to love his wife to the wife’s instructions to submit herself to her husband. In all His instructions on marriage God has made it very clear that men are not to use sinful tactics to try to dominate or rule over their wives, but rather than her submission is to be completely voluntary.
To review, on Submission,
“It means to choose to do what someone else wants to do, to go with another’s judgment, and in this case for the wife to decide to do, to go with, what the husband wants to do. Hupotasso never means a man forces his wife to submit, rather the wife must submit herself, as the word is reflexive.
Truly, these verses nowhere give a husband any right or authority to try to force his wife to submit to him. The husband is given no authority by God to force her to submit. God instructs the wife to submit herself to the husband. The wife is submitting because of the authority of God. In every case of a wife submitting herself, she is actually submitting to the authority of Jesus Christ when she does so.”
As such the wife does not submit herself to her husband because of any authority the husband has over her, but in her submitting to Jesus’ authority. The husband has been given no authority over her. She is his equal and peer. God has given a husband no authority over his wife. God never gave any husband authority over a wife, not with Adam and Eve, and not since. The wife submits to God’s authority by doing what God tells her to do, which is to submit herself to her husband. This is the same as the husband submits to God’s authority by doing what God tells him to do, which is to love his wife. Like submission, love includes for the husband to do what the wife wants to do. The wife has no authority given by God over her husband in this either. The wife has no authority to try to force her husband to love her, which includes her husband doing what she wants. When a husband does what his wife wants he is submitting to God’s authority, not the wife’s authority, as she has no authority over him either, just as he has no authority over her. Both the husband and wife have equal authority in a marriage, and neither has authority over the other. Their marriage is meant to function as a symbiosis, like the head of a body, and the rest of the body beside the head, function together in a symbiosis.
To review, on the head and the body, as in 1 Cor 11 with correct understanding,
“Christ is the head of every Christian, who are His body, and the husband is the head of a wife, who is like his body, and God is the head of Christ, who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”
This is an analogy by which to understand the reason, by nature, that the wife should submit herself, as body parts submit to the head, and why the husband should love his wife as himself, as the head loves all the other parts of the body. Nothing in this concept gives a husband authority over his wife, or vice versa, but rather just illustrates the natural symbiosis that God designed marriage to have.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Because the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the body…
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church…. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church… Eph 5
A husband and wife are 1 person, 2 people in one body. The husband is the head, and the wife is all of the body parts besides the head. It is simply natural that the body submits to the head, and that the head shows love to the body. But the head does not have more authority because it is the head, nor does the body have more authority because it is the body. They are 2 parts of one person. Submission and Love balance out when it comes to decision making. The head is supposed to do what the body wants (in love), and the body is supposed to do what the head wants (in submitting itself). Neither one was given more authority over the other by God, just natural symbiotic roles to play out in mutuality and equality.
To review on Love,
“love does not seek its own”
The word here for “seek its own” means “to seek i.e. require, demand a) to crave, demand something from someone“. This phrase is also translated as “self-seeking” or “seeking its own way” or “demand its own way”. The emphasis is on self-centeredness, and being self-satisfying.
So if a husband is seeking or demanding his own way, with his wife, he is not being loving to her.
This concept deserves further exposition, as it is important. While a wife is told to submit to her husband, at the same time the husband is told to love his wife. To love his wife a husband has to not seek or demand his own way. Which means he should be seeking another’s way, his wife’s way.
On the one hand, the wife is told to submit to her husband, which means she should try to do what he wants, let him have his way. On the other hand, the husband is told to love his wife, which means he is to not seek or demand what he wants, not to seek or demand his own way. He should be seeking his wife’s way, he should try to do what she wants, let her have her way. This truth about love is echoed in 1 Cor 10:24,
“Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.”
So when it comes to decision making in a marriage, in loving the wife, the husband is told to seek what the wife wants, but not demand what he wants. And the wife is told, in submitting to her husband, to try to do what he wants. What does this mean?
“If he’s loving her as much as she’s submitting to him,
then they should meet somewhere in the middle.”
And of course, both should be seeking what it is that God wants of each of them.
The husband in loving his wife is to do what she wants to do.
The wife in submitting herself to her husband is to do what he wants to do.
Therefore, any decisions should be by 50/50 compromise if they are both equally obeying God.
They are one person, with two equally important parts, and so decisions should always be mutually agreed upon and compromised with a 50/50 ideal goal when there is disagreement.
When it comes to decision-making authority, the equality of the principle of compromise is shown in the table below, along with God’s instructions for men to not try to dominate their wives.
(This is mutually save barring anything on which one cannot do something based on moral grounds, whether of God’s commandments on what to do or not do, or on matters of conscience. But all things being equal and allowable, is attempted to be reflected in the table below.)
Domination is inherently sinful because it does not treat someone as you want to be treated.
Domination, controlling another, is the ever-present core of domestic abuse and domestic violence.
This list draws from the study on Eph 5 Love Your Wife, specifically the portions on what love is not.
If she ideally submits |
+ If he ideally loves |
= then there is compromise |
she does what he wants |
he does what she wants |
50/50 fair goal of compromise |
If she doesn’t submit |
+ he reacts being unloving |
= he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t do what she wants |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he demands his own way |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t be self-sacrificial |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he acts selfishly |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he acts self-centeredly |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t compromise |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he starts to get angry |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets angry |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets bitter |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets harsh |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he tries to lie to her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he tries to deceive her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets envious of her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets jealous about her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets impatient |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he is unkind |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he is inconsiderate |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he brags about himself |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols himself |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols his greatness |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols his rightness |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols his experience |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols his intelligence |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he extols his superiority |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets proud |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets prideful |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets arrogant |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets rude to her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets rude to others |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets rude in private |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he gets rude in public |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he disregards her life-goals |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
or her long-term wellbeing |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he counts up her faults |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he lists her past wrongs |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he infers she is up to evil |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he thinks she is evil |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he thinks to do evil to her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he weighs to do evil or not |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he thinks on evil he could do |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he plots against her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he does evil against her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he plots to tempt her to sin |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he sins against her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he is glad to see her fail |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he is glad to see her sin |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t act to protect her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t believe her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t stay with her |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he seeks revenge |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he bears a grudge |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he won’t co-dwell with her |
acknowledging as follows |
(spiritual abuse) |
she is his equal before God |
has equal worth before God |
equal function in the church |
equal potential for God |
equally important to pursue |
her spiritual gifts & callings |
equal in marital co-dwelling |
equal co-heirs of eternal life |
equally vessels of God |
apportion honor due her of |
honor of equal worth to God |
honor of equal worth as him |
honor of being his neighbor |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he lies about the Bible |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he lies about its teachings |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he lies about God’s Words |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he treats her in a way he |
wouldn’t want to be treated |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he threatens anything above |
he’s not loving her, he’s a hypocrite |
If she submits |
+ If he does not love |
= then he dominates |
she does what he wants |
he does any of the above |
he is abusive he is disobeying God she gets rewards in heaven |
she does what he wants |
he won’t compromise |
he is abusive he is disobeying God she gets rewards in heaven |
If she does not submit |
+ If he ideally loves |
= then there is no domination |
she won’t do what he wants so |
he does what she wants |
she is disobeying God he loves self-sacrificially like Jesus, giving himself up for her per Eph 5, and he gets rewards in heaven |
she won’t compromise so |
he does what she wants |
she is disobeying God he loves self-sacrificially like Jesus, giving himself up for her per Eph 5, and he gets rewards in heaven |
As is shown clearly in this table, God’s plan for marriage is 50/50 compromise.
A husband who uses the tactics in the table above to try to control his wife is unloving and abusive and is disobeying God.
A husband who responds to a wife’s lack of submission with anything on the above list is a hypocrite, and also is disobeying God as much as she is. In order for a husband to dominate his wife, he has to be disobeying God. If a husband is obeying God, then he is loving his wife, which can only result in a lack of domination, either by compromise in decision-making, or self-sacrificially loving her and so choosing to do what she wants to do. In fact any time a husband uses the Bible to tell a wife she must do what he wants because the Bible says to submit to him, or promotes anything besides a 50/50 compromise ideal goal on decision-making, that husband is in fact in disobedience to God.
Love and submission both are shown by letting the other person have their way, and doing what the other person wants, and so the Bible teaches a 50/50 compromise as God’s ideal will for marriage when it comes to decision making. Neither the husband nor the wife have more authority than the other in a marriage. The husband being the head of a body gives him no more authority than the wife being the rest of the body parts. God never gave the husband dominion over the wife, nor men over women. In general in a Christian marriage a husband, to love his wife, must recognize her equality with him as a Christian, in all things pertaining to gifts, callings, and participation in the church.
In Parenting:
While the life-giving spirit or “breath of life” comes only from the father of a child, the building and forming of the child’s body is done through a mother’s body during pregnancy, and the mother carries and births the child. Both the mother and father contribute something that is equally essential to having a child, that only they can do, and so their contribution is equal, as neither one can do this without the other. The body, mind, and heart of a child, which compose what is often termed the “soul”, are a composition from both the mother and the father. As such, the contribution of both mother and father are equally essential in the multiplying process of a child. The child is equally from both of them, though made by God.
When it comes to children, both the mother and father have equal authority over their child. The child is told to obey both their mother and father. The child is told to honor both their mother and father. The family equally belongs to the mother and to the father in a marriage. Both the mother and father have equal responsibility to teach the child God’s Word. This shows the same need for compromise between parents when it comes to decisions in parenting, and that they both have equal authority.
In the Future:
This particular combination of Biblical arguments and concepts which together join to form these conclusions are unique in how they have been pieced together (as far as I know), and perhaps would do better to not be confused with other views or combinations of arguments out there. As to a name for this particular combination of Biblical arguments, and the conclusions that follow from them, of which many are listed above, the most accurate description may be “Christian Suffragism Theology”. Those who ascribe to these beliefs could accurately be called “Christian Suffragists”. This is an accurate term, as the word suffrage means “the right to vote”. And the word suffragism means “The belief that the right to vote should be extended (as to women)”.
As the above conclusions make clear, the main stance of these teachings are that the Bible teaches:
1. Wives have an equal voice and participation in decision-making in marriage, as does a husband.
2. Mothers have an equal voice and participation in decision-making in parenting, as does a father.
3. Women have an equal vote and right to participation in the church in all ways, as do men.
4. Women are in all ways equal in everything concerning their relationship with God, as are men.
4. It is right that women should have an equal vote and participation in governments, as do men.
So this particular combination of Biblical arguments and conclusions could accurately be described as “Christian Suffragism Theology”, because the emphasis of its conclusions is on how God wants a woman to have equal decision-making voice as a man, and His Word teaches a woman should have an equal decision-making voice as a man. All of these arguments and teachings are from the Bible, which is the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches women are to be treated as equals to men in all ways, in every sphere, whether the church, in marriage, in family, or in worldly models of governance. The Bible may have been taught incorrectly for almost 2000 years, but this is no excuse for Christians to continue to teach the Bible incorrectly.
Jesus was not sexist towards women in his life, He spoke up for women’s rights in His Word, and He gave women the right to equally vote and participate in His church. Jesus gave instructions for husbands to love their wives, and to treat them as equals, and for children to obey both their parents. His instructions for a Christian marriage balance out to teach the ideal goal in marriage is for a 50/50 compromise between husband and wife in decision-making, and show the husband and wife to have equal authority in the marriage, and over the family. As such, Jesus Christ was both a suffragist who believed women should have an equal voice as men, and as the Lord, He gave women an equal voice as men in His instructions to Christians in His Word the Bible. Jesus still is trying to teach the truth through His Word today.
I would like to end this with some songs and some words from women who were suffragists, and who were Christians, who fought for women today to be able to vote in this country and have legal equality with men, 100-150 years ago. They were workers in a field that was ripe for harvest, and still is being harvested by some workers today. But though the harvest is plenty, the workers are few. There is no telling how many more women out there would come to Christ, and how many more Christian women would do more to serve God, fulfilling His will for their lives, if women were to be able to work in the field to the fullest extent which God intended for them to, without being deterred or hindered by false teachings or unbiblical unrighteous traditions of men that are held in many churches.
The women of 100-150 years ago who demanded women’s right to equal decision-making and participation in the country as men, also (I believe by God’s leading) sought for equal fair rights in the church, in marriage, and in parenting, as well. Their goal remains unreached, as their goal was towards God’s truth, and God’s truth remains unknown and unpracticed by so many Christians today.
And this is seen in their songs and writings from 100-150 years ago. While some paint them that way, I do not believe the Christian women of the Suffragist movement were rebellious, but rather that they were led by the Holy Spirit of Truth, and were seeking what is right and just, even though they could not explain many things from the Bible at that time, which can be explained today.
The ability to vote in their own government was only one issue for which these Christian suffragists were protesting for change, as Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote in the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments:
“In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master–the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement. He has so framed the laws of divorce, as to what shall be the proper causes, and in case of separation, to whom the guardianship of the children shall be given, as to be wholly regardless of the happiness of women–the law, in all cases, going upon a false supposition of the supremacy of man, and giving all power into his hands.
He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law, she is not known.
He allows her in church, as well as state, but a subordinate position, claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the church. He has created a false public sentiment by giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women, by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society, are not only tolerated, but deemed of little account in man. He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for her a sphere of action, when that belongs to her conscience and to her God.
He has endeavored, in every way that he could, to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life. Now, in view of this entire disfranchisement of one-half the people of this country, their social and religious degradation–in view of the unjust laws above mentioned, and because women do feel themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights, we insist that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them…” .
They were seeking to end spiritual abuse in Christian marriages, and moving towards God’s truth:
Let Us All Speak Our Minds (right-click save-target-as)
They were seeking to end spiritual abuse in the church as well, as is shown in the context in this song, that they wanted to be able to vote in the church (as the Bible teaches that only elders can do), as well as voting in the government of the country:
Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be? (right-click save-target-as)
And little seems to have changed in the attitudes found in some circles of the church on the matter of women’s rights in marriage, and in the church, over the course of the past 100-150 years. Women suffragists who fought for women’s rights to vote in the country’s government, faced opposition from what seems to be pretty much identical attitudes from men, as many women still face today:
Keep Woman in Her Sphere (right-click save-target-as)
(All 3 from the CD Songs of the Suffragettes by Elizabeth Knight)
After 150 years, the goals of the Christian suffragists have still not been attained for many Christian women in the contexts of Christian marriage, family, and the Christian church. And in 2000 years the Christian church has not managed to attain what Jesus Christ intended for it. He is returning soon for a spotless Bride without wrinkle or blemish. It’s about time we get this right.
In closing,
“Men have got their rights, and women has not got their rights. That is the trouble. When woman gets her rights man will be right. How beautiful that will be. Then it will be peace on earth and good will to men. But it cannot be until it be right…. It will come…. Yes, it will come quickly. It must come.”
– Sojourner Truth 1867
The solution? Learn the truth, spread the truth, and walk in the truth.
“Dear friend, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. For I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” -3 John 1:4